How to get a TOP SCORE on Your Police Promotion Exam!
"Got the 2nd best score on the sergeant's exam, thanks!" DE
If you want to Get Promoted, We Can Help! In a few short hours you can have the Skills To Get High Test Scores.
Don't let the test stop you from getting promoted! It's simple: You must have a high score to be considered. The higher your score the higher your position on the eligibility list. Score your best with our complete Police Supervisors Test Prep Program. You'll learn the Strategies and Tactics for getting the Highest Possible Scores! Everything you need to know is included: Complete Self-scoring Practice Exams. Answer Keys -- Proven Tips for Boosting Scores- Oral Interview Performance Strategies. Memory Techniques to help you Recall Important Facts and concepts. Detailed Strategies for answering Police Supervision & Management Questions. Strategies for handling Use of force, Arrest procedures, Search & seizure, Vehicle pursuits, police situation/priority questions. Detailed test strategies and practice tests based on Supervision of Police Personnel by Iannone. Read more and find out why this program is different from other test prep publications. You'll learn how to handle the most difficult parts of the exam.
How IMPORTANT is the Test? If you WANT TO get Promoted, it may be the MOST IMPORTANT TEST you'll ever take. The Promotion Exam can be very difficult. A lot of people who take it don't pass. Passing the written test is not a guarantee you'll get promoted, but if you don't pass the test you won't even be considered, and the higher your score is, the better chance you have of getting the job. Your test score is easily the most important element of the promotion process. Your RANK ON THE ELIGIBILITY LIST IS DETERMINED BY YOUR WRITTEN & ORAL Exam Scores. This ebook will give you the KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY TO do well on both. But even with all the proper knowledge, test taking can be incredibly difficult. Even if you prepare you still may do poorly. This may sound familiar; "He always wanted to be a sergeant."
"Why isn't he a sergeant? "
"He's a bright person and works hard, he just doesn't test well." Sorry, but testing is the name of the game. It's performance under pressure. It doesn't matter how hard you work to prepare for the job, if you don't perform in the test room, you're out of luck. We can help give you the KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY TO get Good TEST Scores. By learning the test taking secrets developed by educators and law enforcement professionals you can GET HIGH TEST SCORES. This could be your ticket to a top position on the eligibility list. Research shows that the most successful test takers have a pre-test game plan. Besides studying, there are certain pre-test strategies which highly successful test takers use to prepare for a test. We can help you. Our informative e-book will not only give you specific knowledge necessary for the supervisor's exam, but will teach you UNIVERSAL TEST TAKING TECHNIQUES to ensure your success. To advance in your career you need to be sure you will do well on the exam, and the Police Supervisors Exam E-book Will Give You The Edge You Need To Pass With Flying Colors.
WHAT YOU GET WITH OUR AMAZING 2 E-BOOK SET: You Get Two Complete Ebooks. One devoted to helping you excel in the written exam and the second with detailed strategies on how to get top scores on the oral exam. Part One: The Police Supervisor's Written Exam Ebook Our new 32 chapter e-book for police supervisor candidates contains strategies, tips and insider secrets for achieving top scores on the written test, as well as FOUR PRACTICE TESTS with answers keys. From this ebook: YOU GET:
You'll get an INSIDERS view of what the correct responses and reactions should be to difficult police situation questions. You'll get the benefit of the author's 25 years of experience. Much of that time spent in police supervision. He's helped police departments, police supervisors, and training officers across the country with their employee evaluation programs. He's also helped one of the worlds largest technical schools, Technikon, SA, develop a course of study in the police leadership/management field. "I personally owe you a great deal of gratitude for what your program did for me. I found myself head to head competing for a lieutenant position with another competent sergeant that I knew Command had actually approached and encouraged to "go for it". I was facing a written test, oral board of commanders from other metro-area departments, a file review, a command suitability psychological evaluation and finally an interview with the Chief. I knew I had my work cut out for me so I searched the internet and compared all that was available for a program to increase my odds by preparing me best for the daunting promotional process I was about to go through. My competition did very well, but I did better in every segment. I was able to approach each challenge with a confidence which allowed me to remain calm and focused. Again and again I drew from the program to master the task at hand. For the oral board and interview your program guided me on how to reveal my best personal attributes (I actually used my interview preparation notes when I interviewed with the Chief). I ultimately received the promotion. God bless and thank you" Lt. SP Just One Of The Test Tips Could Make The Difference In Determining Whether Your Score Is High Enough To Get Promoted! KNOWING THE RIGHT STRATEGIES CAN SKYROCKET YOUR TEST SCORES! Our techniques are tried and true. One of the educators who developed this test taking system took a college level exam in a subject he knew nothing about. He chose his answers by looking for clues within the questions. The results were amazing. He scored a 72%, where many students taking the same test failed even though they had the advantage of a full semester of course study. Knowing these techniques can BOOST your test scores. You'll gain a huge EDGE over the competition. By learning these special TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES you'll not only reach your full test taking potential but EXCEED it. Giving YOU the best chance to get Promoted. "I just wanted to thank you for this program. I used the materials during a very competitive promotional exam process and came out on top. Again Thank You" KR
What The Written Exam Is Like
Most law enforcement written exams test the following basic skills and aptitudes. How well you understand what you read Your ability to follow directions Your judgment and reasoning skills a.k.a. problem-solving Your memory You'll be tested on your knowledge of police procedures and policies and the laws. The more you KNOW about these things the BETTER your test scores will be. Here's why; You'll get study material in advance and you may be expected to answer questions regarding police procedures. It will test your reading comprehension and memory. You will be tested on your judgment and common sense as they relate to police management situations. Therefore, your knowledge of Police Supervision, use of force, arrest procedures, search & seizure, and police situation/priority will be a definite advantage. The people that Do the Best On the Test are the ones that "DON'T WAIT" for the TEST to be ANNOUNCED. They start preparing long before the study material comes out. Will the Police Supervisors Exam Ebook help you with any law enforcement agency? Yes, the strategies are universal and were created to apply to all US exams. Naturally, we can't predict what every police agency will include on their test. There are 1000s of police departments in the US. But police management questions are basically universal. A police supervisor in Chicago, IL will generally handle a critical situation the same way a police supervisor in Austin, TX would. A major portion of the Police Supervisors Exam E-book is dedicated to showing you how to handle common everyday police supervision situations. This will help you tremendously in both the written and oral exams. The Key To Getting a High Score On The Police Supervisor Exam Is knowing how to handle management and supervision Questions. With The Police Supervision Written Exam Ebook you'll be given detailed strategies for handling Police Supervision, Leadership Questions! Part Two: The Police Supervisor's Oral Exam Ebook
Get The Highest Possible Scores On
You'll learn the Strategies and Tactics for getting the Highest Possible Scores! Everything you need to know, Including:
We'll describe universal oral interview strategies that could give you a major edge. We'll also give you some hot tips and strategies, you WON'T FIND anyplace else. (We describe in detail strategies for handling the Police Judgment/Situation Questions as they pertain to management.)
What Makes The Police Supervisor's Exam E-book Stand Out Over The Competition? The Police Supervisor's Exam Digital Manual cost more than other test publications, but it includes insider strategies you WON'T FIND anywhere else. With some test publications, all you get is a few generic test strategies and tips. What you get with this program is a complete home study program with step by step instructions on how to master all parts of the exam process. Here's why You'll Get More From The Police Supervisor's Exam E-book; Police
Promotion Exams more than anything else test your ability to analyze
problems and think logically. This Includes both the written and
oral exams. Other police exam publications fail to give candidates
detailed strategies for these two important factors. The Police Exam
Ebook shows you in detail how to apply logic and common sense when
answering police situation questions. We will not waste your time on
generic strategies that don't work like some other test programs and
publications. IMPORTANT
BENEFIT- That Others Don't Include! Here's another major benefit; Learn Test Strategies Much Easier & Faster! The Learning Power Of Electronic-Books Now you can take advantage of The Wave of the Future, E-Learning. You'll learn Test Strategies FASTER. And Recall More! According to Dr. Ronald Marks, marketing professor at the University of Missouri, studies claim that people can learn up to 200% faster, pay 26% more attention, and retain 38% more, since multimedia presentations ( including Electronic-Books), engage all the senses. The BENEFITS of E-Learning include; control of content delivery. increased speed, less distractions, better focus and concentration. E-Books are easy to use! Navigation through the eBook is a snap because it looks like you are using a scaled down version of a web browser. As a result, it's a breeze to use for anyone who has ever used the Internet because you are essentially surfing through your publication! Features such as "Back", "Forward" "Print", and "Search" are available to make viewing the eBook extremely straightforward. You'll learn Test Strategies much easier and faster. "Thank you so much. I have to tell you that I really feel that your program helped me immensely in the promotional process for Sergeant. I'll let you know how the process for Lt. turns out. Thanks for providing the free update." Sgt. JP HOW MUCH IS A PROMOTION WORTH TO YOU? Our Amazing E-Book Retails For Only $59.00. The Police Supervisor's Exam 2 Ebook set cost more than most over the counter police exam publications but it includes insider strategies you WON'T FIND anywhere else. When you take all the benefits into consideration including; a chance for promotion, your return on the investment will be excellent. The program costs less than most college text books, and is easier to use. As a matter of fact you'll find detailed strategies taught at Police Promotion Exam Seminars that police supervisor candidates pay as much as $900 to attend. No waiting for the mail. You can access this fantastic online manual as soon as your order is approved. Read it right off of your monitor, or print selected pages so you can study on the couch, in bed or wherever you like. Order This Highly Effective, Police Officer Exam Guide Now, And Give Yourself A Major Edge In Getting Started In A Law Enforcement Career! NO RISK MONEY BACK GUARANTEE We absolutely guarantee the Police Exam E-Book will help you Get TOP SCORES On The Police Supervisors Exam. If you're not completely satisfied with the Police Supervisors Exam E-Book, simply let us know within 30 days and we will refund your money with no questions asked. So there is no good reason for not ordering. The risk is very low and the benefits are very high. Thank you, CFI Research Company.
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The manual will give you strategies and insider secrets that will give you TOP scores.