You Can Learn Internet Money-Making Secrets from an EXPERT!

Make Your Site Sell  Ebook shows you what you Need to do and what you should Not be doing with your site to increase your sales, no matter what it is that you are selling!

If you're not reaching your on-line business goals you could change that overnight with the right instruction and the right source of knowledge. Make Your Site Sell has the exact information you need to take the next step in creating a high profit online business. 

You're not going to see pretty graphics or images on this Web site. You're just going to get some hard, cold facts about how a small group of people are making BIG money on the net. 

 Most on-line businesses don't succeed

 Research indicates that less than 10 % of Online businesses are making a significant profit.  Most aspiring entrepreneurs are jumping into web based businesses without a net.  They're losing money and they're losing money big time. Either they're going it alone, using the trial and error method. Or they're getting bad advice. 

Dear Entrepreneur 

It's tragic but true.  Most on-line businesses don't succeed.  It's not because of the overwhelming competition it's because they're doing it the wrong way.  Although the competition is stiff with thousands of new businesses starting up on the Internet every day, there is still plenty of room for new businesses. With 300 million potential customers connected to the World wide Web there's an ocean of money to be made. 

But here's the catch, small businesses cannot afford to learn on the run.  They must have guidance, a road map, something to show them how to do things the right way.  Because if they don't know what they're doing they'll soon find out how easy the Internet can drain all of their working capital.  They'll end up losing all the money they saved up long and hard for to start their own business. 

 Don't make the mistake of thinking that it couldn't happen to you.  It definitely can. 

The answer to avoiding this disaster is to take a surprisingly simple step to protect yourself.  Learn the right way to conduct business on the Web from someone who has succeeded.  You owe it to yourself to avoid the disaster of so many failed businesses.  Here is your opportunity to take that first decisive step to making money instead of losing it.

Would you invest $17 in a Electronic Book if it helped prevent your online business from loosing money. Or worse , complete failure.  And showed you how turn your Web site into a high profit selling machine.

Internet Marketing Pro Reveals Special Online Selling Technique That Brings Him In As Much As $5000 A Day In Orders!

  Introducing Make Your Site  Sell by Ken Evoy.  A hard-hitting marketing course that will easily pay for itself over and over again with in-depth advice on how to build a high profit on-line business. The secrets of creating Web sites that sell like crazy , how to pick exactly the right product that people will demand.  And how to bring thousands of people to your Web site every day. 

Ken Evoy the author of  Make Your Site Sell launched his online business in November, 1997. He discovered an amazingly effective marketing technique . He now takes in over $1,000 per day, up to $5,000 some days. Traffic to his site sky rocketed to 50-60,000 hits per week... He reveals this special marketing technique in his new digital book Make Your Site Sell

As an entrepreneur you may consider a marketing consultant a luxury, something that would be great to have but about as likely as winning the lottery. They can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 per hour. Business consultants sadly aren't often within the budget of the new entrepreneurs. The catch 22 here is that there are marketing consultants that will help your business become successful-the problem is being able to afford them. 


Now, with the help of the new exiting digital book Make Your Site Sell you can have the benefits of having a marketing consultant without the cost

 The alternative is the trial and error method.  More often than not this flying by the seat of your pants approach will result in wasted time and money. And in many cases destroy your business. Instead of acting on sheer instinct, try using the sensible approach by using the guidance of someone who has developed a proven program for making real money on the internet. 

Make Your Site Sell is a must for anyone trying to conduct business on-line. 

Here's what you'll learn in three important steps necessary for online business success: 

STEP 1 -- Develop a great product -- position it for Web sales. 

STEP 2 -- Build a site that SELLS with deadly effectiveness 

STEP 3 -- Attract targeted traffic to the site. 


Evoy goes into great detail for designing your products  "opening page," "creating a pathway" and the "closer
 page" all specifically designed to reach your MWR.

 He then explains the power of written word. It will make  or break your effort to persuade your visitor. The right  words will turn your visitor into your customer. He advises  to use strong, active, emotion-charged words to captivate  your visitors.

 He goes into great detail on writing powerful ad copy,  headlines that hit by identifying your products benefits
 and using strong active verbs to create powerful headlines  with emotional impact. He stresses the importance of using  verifiable testimonials and providing generous guarantees
 to build customer trust.

 This book is jammed packed with valuable information. It's  captivating, enlightening and even a bit surprising at  times. Evoy definitely over delivers.

 He explains his entire marketing plan in explicit, easy to  read detail, and has a very unique system designed to make  the sale. When you purchase his book (800+ pages), you'll  also receive two free valuable smaller books, as well.  "Building Targeted Traffic" and "It All Starts with the  Product." He stresses the importance of selecting the  "ideal" Internet product with tips for selecting the best  sales price.

 This is definitely a "Must Read." The price  is very reasonable. You can download this ebook formatted
 in PDF with both of the free gifts for only $17 USD or  $24 Canadian. It comes with a complete money back  guarantee. If you follow his techniques, it will quickly  pay for itself.

The most effective way to build traffic to your site!

By mastering search engine placement Ken built his web traffic to an astonishing 50,000 to 60,000 hits per week.  This could be the main reason why his web site earns him from $1000 to $5,000 a day.  Ken insists this is the most important way to build traffic to your site. The key is getting your site listed high on the major search engines.  This process takes time and effort but once you learn the tricks it's worth an avalanche of new customers. 

Until you master search engine placement, time promoting your site spent elsewhere is wasted.  You get 90 percent of the benefits with only 10 percent of the work when you're dealing with search engine placement. 

 It wasn't always liked this for Ken.  In his early business days he struggled trying every imaginable method for attracting traffic.  Just by concentrating most of his efforts on search engine placement he nearly achieved 20 times the traffic with a quarter of the work.

Ken spent months studying and perfecting search engine placement.  He devised his own unique method that's so effective and simple it will even shock veteran online marketers

Ken Evoy included everything he knows about building traffic in his special 200 page report "Building Targeted Traffic".  Besides his unique search engine placement method ,included in the report are other methods used to promote his site, and Web site promotion time wasters.  Those commonly used Web site promotion techniques that are a complete waste of time and money. 

Building Targeted Traffic is included with Make Your Site Sell

Making money on the Internet, is it really happening? 

16 year-old makes $100,000 on the Internet. 

Chris Schaefer a 16 year-old from Texas has recently joined the ranks of successful on line entrepreneurs.  Chris uses the Internet to sell tips on how to play and win in Nintendo. Last year he had a net profit of over $100,000. 

Chris at a very  young age found the ultimate secret to online business success. He found his niche. In other words he found a product that nobody else was offering.  A product that a highly motivated target market wanted badly. People who find a niche are making big money online. MYSS teaches you in very specific terms (absolutely no generalities) how to find your niche. 

According to Forrester Research there are over 100 million potential customers on-line right now and over 70% of them are earning $50,000 plus a year.  That kind of buying power has tremendous impact.  Experts agree that the 21st century more business will be conducted on the Net than face-to-face.  Learn the secrets of the Internet insiders who are already making big money on the net. 

If you're looking to cash in on the information highway and get your piece of the pie you've come to the right place.  Whether you are selling a product or service, Ken can show you how to successfully run a powerful on-line business. 

    Make Your Site Sell Will Show You >

    How to pick a product people want and one that is easy to sell on the Web 

    Learn what products will never make money on-line 

    Learn Killer strategies used by the Masters of marketing to trigger emotions and seduce prospects so they buy now 

    Find out what the #1emotional button is that drives people to take action and entices them to order time after time.  The top marketers use it in their advertising copy and Web sites to get people to respond immediately 

    How to write irresistible ad copy for your Web site that makes people buy before they leave. You'll produce higher response from your Web site by writing better advertising copy 

    How-to write  headlines for your on-line ads and Web pages that will make your sales soar 

    How to increase sales by designing Web sites that are user-friendly. Ken shows you examples of winning Web sites that have created huge profits for their owners 

    Discover the exact words and phrases that can earn you high profits from your own advertising 

    Learn what free on-line advertising techniques will draw new customers to your site in droves 

    Learn what on-line advertising techniques are a total waste of money 

    Learn what the most common mistakes on-line businesses make promoting their web sites 

    Learn how to start small (eliminating your risks) and grow wealthy by multiplying your profits 

    Find out what today's best no cost/low-cost on-line advertising strategies are 

    How to market yourself and build customer trust 

    Learn the most important guarded secret of the experts that will explode traffic to your Web site 

    This course pulls no punches.  It reveals the truth, no fluff or watered-down generalities, about how the little guy without thousands of dollars can start an on-line business with unlimited earning potential using their wits and proven strategies instead of a truck full of investment capital. 

    As a successful Marketer you constantly must seek a higher level of response and increased profitability from your advertising investments by staying on the cutting edge with all latest marketing strategies 

    -- the risk is incredibly low $17 and benefits from ordering is extremely high

If you are not reaching your goals with your on-line business you could change that overnight with the right information and the right source of knowledge. Make Your Site Sell has the right information you need to take the next step to create a high profit online business


Why do so many Web sites fail to make money? 

One of the biggest reasons that most business web sites fail is they are often missing direct response sales copy. 

When creating your Web pages you should do it in a direct response sales manner. Your web site should be designed with that in mind. Your goal should be to make the sale. 

Using basic, proven concepts of copy writing will put you way ahead of the game. There are so many little secrets and strategies on creating Web pages that sell. The more you know the more money you'll make. It's as simple as that. 

Your Web site either makes the sale, or it doesn't. 

Ninety-nine out of one hundred sites don't get the order. When you use the proven -effective strategies found in this new exiting digital book, you will attract motivated, targeted customers to your Web site. Then you will sell them. Period. 

If you already have a Web site, MYSS! will show you how to convert it into a killer sales machine. Click the link to learn the insiders secrets and start making huge online profits today! 




I know what you're thinking, warm up the breathalyzer and take away his keys. But it's true people are scared off by low prices. It's that old saying you get what you pay for. And in most cases it's true. But not in this case. 

MYSS completely destroys the theory of perceived value, that you get what you pay for. In this case you get a whole lot more. MYSS is getting rave reviews from online entrepreneurs. It's blowing the other expensive internet marketing courses out of the water. For $17 you get the same exact in depth secrets and strategies of the $200 and $300 internet marketing courses. There's a reason Ken offers this program at such an incredibly low price. I'ts one of the secret strategies marketing you'll find out about when you order the program. 

If you EVER want to really SELL something on the Web, quit looking for free info.  So much of it is just wrong. 

MYSS! ties it all up into a single, proven package, and adds so much more original information that you will NEVER read anywhere else. 

MYSS! is better than $300 programs and it costs only US $17. If you feel that your time is worth anything at all, you're way ahead when you buy MYSS! -- you simply won't have to look anywhere else for info about how to sell, really SELL, on the Web. 

Doubts?  See the reviews by major Web authorities when you hit the site.MYSS!

And it's guaranteed -- if you don't like it, they'll refund you instantly.  No risk, all reward! 


This question was asked at one of the most popular marketing forums on the Net.

Any suggestions for a outstanding internet marketing courses? 

Here's some of the replies that convinced me that Make Your Site Sell was the best value by far: 

"I have all three of the courses you mention and quite a few more. The best, by far, is MYSS. 
Does that mean I'd return the others, or not buy them if I had it to do over? Nope. Every one of them has something in it that the others miss. There are dozens of others I've read that hit very good points  on specialized topics. 

Still, "Make Your Site Sell" is the only book or product relating to online marketing that I've ever given an  _unqualified_ BUY recommendation for. It's the best info out there on the subject of designing a site to sell,   and it's half the cost of the lowest priced products. And there's nothing in it to get you in trouble. 

If you're new to selling online, I'd recommend this as the first book to get on the subject." 

"I got MYSS and Winning the Affiliate Game. MYSS I think is great, especially considering the low price. It is focused on selling, and has a lot of info about getting traffic. " 

"I purchased all three of the courses you mentioned. I would say that Corey's course and Ken's (MYSS) are very similar - but the low price of MYSS makes it worth it. " 

I was very skeptical when I first read about Make Your Site Sell.  The price scared me.  Not because it was too high, because it was too low.  When I went looking for a course on Internet marketing I came across several that sounded very good.  The price ranged from $197 to $39.  When I found Ken's course for $17 I took it for granted that there was no way this could be in the same ballpark with the other ones.  After conducting some research and buying Make Your Site Sell ,I found out that not only was it in the ballpark but it may be the best one out there.  It completely destroys a theory of perceived value, that you get what you pay for.  In this case you get a whole lot more. 


Click Here To find out more about HOW YOU CAN CREATE WEB PAGES  THAT SELL LIKE CRAZY and for your  FREE Sell-Site Ezine 

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MYSS Is Exactly What You Need To Take Your Business To The Next Level! 
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